Quality Standard 6: Teaching and Learning


The institution has in place a Transformative Teaching and Learning strategy which is socially responsive, promotes equitable access for success in a learning environment informed by values and principles that fosters a culture of participation, reflexivity, collaboration, co-creation, and the acquisition and sharing of knowledge for sustainable futures.  The teaching and learning strategy of the institution is reviewed on a regular basis. Arrangements are in place for quality assurance of the teaching and learning processes.  The strategy considers the diversity of students on the programmes, and the ever-changing higher education environment.

Summary of standard criteria

  1. The teaching and learning strategy of the institution draws on the philosophical/epistemological underpinnings of the institution.
  2. The teaching and learning strategy of the institution is responsive to the diverse needs of students who operate in a fast changing social and economic environment and is responsive to the ever-changing higher education environment.
  3. The institution takes advantage of available technology to enhance the quality of teaching and learning and promote student success.
  4. Student success is placed at the centre of the teaching and learning strategy. Feedback is obtained from students on a regular basis and the results are used to improve teaching and learning processes.
  5. Sufficient resources are deployed towards enhancing quality of teaching and learning processes, irrespective of the mode of provision.
  6. There is a policy on continuous professional development (CPD) for staff to ensure they keep up to date with developments in teaching and learning in higher education.
  7. Where work integrated learning (WIL) is involved, the institution has a policy on how to handle such work-based learning and the policy is implemented.

Criteria Standards

Performance Indicators

Sources of Evidence




6.1 The teaching and learning strategy of the institutions draws on the philosophical/epistemological underpinnings of the institution.  

6.1.1 The teaching and learning approach of an institution is informed by sound theory.

Teaching and learning policy; manuals and handbooks

0. Fails to meet criterion

1. Unsatisfactory

2. Marginal

3. Good

4. Excellent


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6.1.2 Teaching and learning approaches used are appropriate for the mode(s) of provision used.

Teaching and learning policy; manuals and handbooks.


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6.2 The teaching and learning strategy of the institution is responsive to the diverse needs of students who operate in a fast changing social and economic environment and is responsive to the ever-changing higher education environment. 

6.2.1 Teaching and learning approaches for programmes and courses take into account the needs of the different types students on board

Student feedback on teaching and learning; Programme regulations; course outlines

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6.2.2    Teaching and learning approaches prepare students for the dynamic world and to adapt to different contexts.

Input of stakeholders, like industry, professional bodies in T & L; Intended Learning Outcomes

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6.3  The institution takes advantage of available technology to enhance the quality of teaching and learning and promote student success.

6.3.1       The institution’s preferred pedagogy informs the technology to use and how it is to be used.

Minutes of engagement meetings on preferred teaching approaches & informing theory; Course Outlines; Study Guides.


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6.3.2       In using technology in teaching and learning, the needs of different students are taken into account.

Student profile documents

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6.3.3       Students and staff are trained to use the technology used in teaching and learning.

Policy on staff development; reports on staff training


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6.3.4       Use of technology does not exclude or disadvantage other students from the participating in the institution’s programmes.

Profiles showing students from disadvantaged backgrounds, student records on students with disability

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6.4 Students success is placed at the centre of the teaching and learning strategy of an institution.

6.4.1       There is a system of getting feedback on teaching and learning from students and the information is used for improvement purposes.

Analysis of feedback from students; improvement plans based on student feedback; minutes of planning meetings


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6.4.2       There is a system of tracking and analysing student flow rates.

Reports on the analysis of throughput, pass, dropout and other relevant flow rates

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6.4.3       There is a system of tracking students’ performance and timely support is provided to those that need it.

System of tracking students


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6.5     Sufficient resources are deployed towards enhancing quality of teaching and learning processes, irrespective of the mode of provision.

6.5.1       Where applicable, enough and appropriate laboratory and other practical facilities are provided to facilitate students’ learning experiences.

Inventory of facilities and equipment, budgets for teaching & learning facilities


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6.5.2       Where online learning is used, arrangements are in place to ensure that  both the hardware and software are readily accessible to staff and students.

Records of equipment available, student profile



6.6     There is a policy on continuous professional development (CPD) for staff to ensure they keep up to date with developments in teaching and learning in higher education.

6.6.1       The institution has a policy on CPD which is implemented to keep staff up to date with latest developments in teaching and learning.

Policy documents;


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6.6.2       As much as possible, there is recognition of participation in professional development initiatives by staff.  

Policy on recognition for teaching and learning



6.7     Where work integrated learning (WIL) is involved, the institution has a policy on how to handle such work-based learning and the policy is implemented.

6.7.1       There are policy guidelines on the management of WIL to ensure impact of this component of training to students.

Policy guidelines on will; reports on supervision of WIL support





Overall Input and Evaluation of Standard 6:

Strengths identified:


Areas for improvement identified:




Overall Evaluation for Standard 6

0.     Fails to meet criterion

1.     Unsatisfactory

2.     Marginal

3.     Good/Commend

4.     Excellent






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